Friday, September 11, 2009

First Post!!

Sigh....alright. You win intertubes. Forever I've been ducking and dodging the idea of putting up a blog. And now, thanks to boredom, peer pressure, and no small dose of self-loathing, I'm putting one up. Lucky you.

This is my first post. It's a drawing. It's a drawing of my least favorite Street Fighter Character: Zangief. I don't get him. Is he part bear? Why does he have hair-shins? People automatically think I would love him because he's a big fat hairy pinko commie athiest...but I don't. I don't care for Zangief. His moves sucked. His motives sucked. Screw Zangief.

About the drawring:
I'm playing around with a lot of distorted proportions lately. I like that he looks like a big Russian pile of sparsely haired muscle. Apparently he's exclamated by my dislike of him. I threw this together last night. Unfortunately, there will be more.

...I hate this already.


  1. What if what we perceive as sectional pelting on his body is really aliens disguised as body hair, sucking the 'essence' out of him? Russian fighter 'essence' is a hot commodity in other galaxies and these aliens are trying to make a quick buck ('quick' in alien terms being around 30 years) at the expense of poor Zangief. How awesome would you feel having some hairy parasidic aliens strapped to you for your whole life?? Don't answer that.
    As your drawing he's pretty damn awesome though. Makes me want to try my hand at a Street Fighter character just to see how awful it turns out.

  2. I challenge you to draw your best E. Honda.
